Book your 11+ Masterclasses now! 315 Croydon Road, Wallington, SM6 7LB Tel: 0208 064 1011
11+ offers a broad range of short and long courses in 11+ Maths, 11+ English, 11+ Verbal and 11+ Non-Verbal Reasoning. Harnessing our expertise as 11+ specialists, our courses are led by first-class experienced teachers who are only too familiar with the rigours of preparing for the 11+ exams.
Our masterclasses offer a unique way for 11+ students to master any challenging 11+ topic listed, in an easy to remember, yet fun and engaging way. Places are allocated on a first come first serve basis. Book now to secure your place!
* Cloze & Grammar Masterclass
* Punctuation Masterclass
* Comprehension Masterclass
* Creative Writing Masterclass
* Non-Fiction Writing Masterclass
* Fractions Masterclass
* Algebra Masterclass
* Word Problems Masterclass
* Mental Maths Masterclass
* Numerical Reasoning Masterclass
* Verbal Reasoning Masterclass
* VR Codes Masterclass
* Non-Verbal Masterclass
* Net of Cubes Masterclass
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